You have navigated the constant changing world that affects your work place, your business and your family. You have protected and planned and to give your children that start in life you always wanted by purchasing your home, managing and growing your income and building assets in retirement plans and savings.
You believe you have instilled into your children morality and fairness, but you cannot control who they marry, or how other social impacts such as creditor's, bankruptcy and how tax may affect. Neither can you control there life experiences if they are affected by health issues or mental illness or indeed how future care costs may affect you., You can make sure that all the hard work you have put into your assets is not diluted or taken by divorce, creditors or tax. , and you can protect your assets from being eroded by future care costs.
Here at TUTIS we can build that protection, tailor made to your priorities and concerns to make sure your hard work for the benefit of your children stays for the benefit of your children.
How does it differ to my current will?
Most clients we see have a mirror will, or single will.
In a mirror will all the estate is left to a spouse or civil partner on the first death, and then onto their beneficiaries. Or they have a single will which also then leaves their estate to their beneficiaries. This is known as an absolute gift. It also means it forms part of the beneficiaries estate and is open to social impacts such as divorce or creditor’s, it also means it impacts on the beneficiaries estate for future issues such as inheritance tax and care fee planning.
Blood line planning eliminates these issues because the gifts are made via a trust, set up whilst the settlors (the will makers) are still alive, thus changing the legal entity of the gift , meaning the beneficiaries still benefit from the gift if required, but it doesn’t form part of their estate, thus protecting the estate down the blood line.